(2020-) Elisa Henrion-Gueneau. Doctorat. Title: Fast and reliable methods for the meta-assembly of genomes based on quality criteria.
Supervisors: Anne-Muriel Arigon and Sèverine Bérard
(2021-22) Yascim Kamel. Stage de M2. Title: Bioinformatics tools in the detection of olfactory genes in cetaceans.
Supervisors: Sèverine Bérard, Sylvia Campagna and Aurélie Célérier (CEFE)
(2021-22) Paul Bunel. Stage de M1. Title: Study of taste receptors in cetaceans.
Supervisors: Sèverine Bérard, Sylvia Campagna and Aurélie Célérier (CEFE)
Past students
(2020-21) Samia Benarbia. Stage d'été L2 informatique. Title: Visualization of genome assembly comparisons.
Supervisor: Sèverine Bérard Report (in french): .pdf
(2019-20) Lucas Picasarri-Arrieta. Stage d'été M1 informatique. Title: Algorithmics for order merging.
Supervisors: Sèverine Bérard and Bruno Grenet (LIRMM) Report (in french): .pdf
(2019-20) Areski Himeur et Lucas Picasarri-Arrieta. TER M1. Title: Algorithmics for order merging.
Supervisor: Sèverine Bérard Report (in french): .pdf ; Slides (in french): .pdf
(2019-20) Anaïs Louis. Stage bibliographique de M2. Title: Genome assembly tools.
Supervisor: Sèverine Bérard Bibliographic report (in french): .pdf ; Slides (in french): .pdf
(2018-19) Anna Tran. Stage de M2 recherche. Title: Quality assessment and comparison of genome assemblies.
Supervisors: Anne-Muriel Arigon and Sèverine Bérard Bibliographic report (in french): .pdf ; Report (in french): .pdf
(2014-17) Yoann Anselmetti. Doctorat. Title: Assembly and evolution of the structure of ancient and extant genomes.
Supervisors: Éric Tannier and Sèverine Bérard PHD defense Wednesday, November 29, 2017 in Lyon ; Slides: .pdf
(2016-17) Lisa de Mattéo. Stage de M2 recherche. Title: Algorithmics for order merging.
Supervisors: Sèverine Bérard and Vincent Ranwez Bibliographic report (in french): .pdf ; Report (in french): .pdf
(2015-16) Frédéric Bigey. Stage de M2 BCD. Title: Integration of methods of reconstructing gene adjacencies for the assembly of yeast genomes.
Supervisors: Sèverine Bérard and Annie Chateau Report (in french): .pdf
(2013-14) Amal Zine El Aabidine. Stage de M2 recherche. Title: Bacteriophages modular recombination evolutive history reconstruction.
Supervisors: Sèverine Bérard, Annie Chateau and Krister Swenson Report (in french): .pdf
(2013-14) Yoann Anselmetti. Stage de M2 recherche. Title: Genomes evolutive history reconstruction: reconciliation and ancestral relationship reconstruction.
Supervisors: Sèverine Bérard, Vincent Berry and Annie Chateau Report (in french): .pdf
(2012-13) Pierre-Antoine Jean. Stage de M2 recherche. Title: Evolution of gene neighborhoods within reconciled phylogenies.
Supervisors: Vincent Berry, Annie Chateau and Sèverine Bérard Report (in french): .pdf
(2012-13) Pierre-Antoine Jean. Stage de 1er semestre M2 BCD. Title: Comparative bibliography on ancestral relations reconstruction Supervisors: Sèverine Bérard and Vincent Berry Report (in french): .pdf
(2011-12) Mehdi Alijate, Matthieu Bornarel, Benjamin Caudullo, Kévin Vigneau, Narjisse Zaki. Projet Informatique L3 (GLIN601 teaching unit). Title: Creation of a website for the BVT master. Supervisors: Sèverine Bérard, François Munoz and Claude Edelin. Website: http://www.masters-biologie-ecologie.com/BVT/
(2010-11) Coralie Gallien. M2 training course.
Title: Genes co-evolution detection. Supervisors: Sèverine Bérard and Éric Tannier Report (in french): .pdf ; Oral presentation (in french) : .pdf, .pptx ; Article : .pdf
(2007-08) Benjamin Severac. M2 training course.
Title: Genome comparison and transformation distance. Supervisors: Sèverine Bérard and Éric Rivals Report (in french): .pdf
(2007-08) Anne Dievart. M2 training course.
Title: Évolution des récepteurs riches en leucines chez les plantes supérieures. Supervisors: Christophe Perrin and Sèverine Bérard Report (in french): .doc